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Why Login?

As a registered user of this site, you will be allowed full user access to sensitive areas not otherwise permissible to the casual web surfer. After creating a login account for yourself, you will be able to perform the following:

Place phone calls to LanScape via the internet for customer support issues.

Place phone calls to LanScape via the internet for sales and /or marketing inquiries.

Perform real world "test drives" of LanScape Voice over IP technologies that are hosted by this web site...

...and a host of other capabilities not listed here.

We appreciate you taking the time to create an account for yourself and are sure you will find this necessity worthwhile.


Registered Users

If you have previously registered with this site, use the following login form to gain complete user access to this site.

Sign me in automatically


New Users

If you are a new user and you want full user access to this web site, you must create a new login account. In the account request form below, all fields have to be filled out.

After you create your new account, you will be sent an email that contains a web address where you must go to activate your new account.

Note: The password you specify must be at least 6 characters long.

Confirm Password:
Full Name:
Daytime Phone:

The information you submit when you create your new account is periodically verified at random. If LanScape determines that a user account contains fraudulent data or the user can not be contacted in a reasonable time using email or phone verification, the user account will be terminated at LanScape's discretion.

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